Monday, May 27, 2013

Breaking News

Shout out to the viewers in France and Kuwait. One Love. Also to any brothers nationally that are checking in on us.

Breaking news: I have changed my seat to not the middle seat. Great move by me. Not sure what Mark is going to do. Either window seat with a rando in-between. Or he takes a middle seat. Tough choice there. We'll keep you updated.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Trip

So we have almost finalized every single stop on our trip. As I pointed out before, we would not be able to do this if it wasn't for the extending of the hand from our Theta Chi brothers across the country. We are going to drive cross-country, almost 2 weeks, without paying for a place to sleep. Awesome. 

1st leg: Los Angeles to Arizona State Theta Chi (5hrs 20min)
2nd: ASU OX to U of Arizona Theta Chi (2 hrs)
3rd: UofA OX to Austin, Texas - no theta chi here, probably staying with one of taylors friends (long 12 hour drive)
4th: Austin, TX to LSU Theta Chi (6 hrs 30 min)
5th: LSU OX to Alabama Theta Chi (5 hrs) ~tentative~
6th: Bama OX to Auburn Theta Chi (2 hrs 50 min)
7th: Auburn OX to Georgia Theta Chi (3 hrs)
8th: Georgia OX to U South Carolina (3 hrs) ~tentative~ hopefully staying with one of my friends
9th: USC to U Virginia Theta Chi (5 hrs 50 min) ~tentative~
10th: UVA OX to Howard U/Maryland/UDEL ~tentative~
11: #10 to Amherst, MA

The trip is going to be around 3500 miles in this POS 

Trip starts on Monday August 19th and it ends whenever we get back, hopefully before classes start in September. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Offer in

Whats up. Mr. Offer checking in. I guess this blog will be done by various authors, me being the best. Harry tried with his first post, it was cute. I am who you guys come here to read. Here is the preliminary itinerary for the trip. I have never put a picture in a blog and don't know how to but lets try to figure this  out.
Is that legible? If not, screw it, I tried. Harry and John booked their flights today, so we are just waiting on the cripple Mark to book. Wanna hear something funny? Harry booked 29E. Whatta idiot. He booked a middle seat. Rookie mistake. Middle seats are the worst thing ever.

That's all for now, keep an eye on this blog in the coming months. I probably wont have much to post till the trip starts in August, so for now....

Offer out

Flights are booked

So it is official. Me and John have officially booked our plane tickets and we are just waiting for Bejakes to book his (takes him a while due to him wobbling around on crutches all day). We fly out Thursday August 15th, get in and spend a few days in LA before setting out. To cut down on costs, we will be staying at Theta Chi chapters throughout the country. More details about that to come later.
For now, were all just trying to make a bunch of cash to spend down south this summer.

Shoutout to a blog ( that you will probably stop reading in a few weeks, and then you can start reading this one. Soon to be the best blog on the internet.
